Our Values

Doctors of Hearing Core Values

Seven core values listed below define the critical elements that comprise professionalism at Doctors of Hearing. These core values are listed in alphabetical order with no preference or ranking given to these values. The values identified are of sufficient breadth and depth to incorporate the many values and attributes that are part of our professionalism.

For each core value listed, the table explicates these values by providing a core value definition and sample indicators (not exhaustive) that describe what Doctors of Hearing would be doing in practice, education and/or research if these core values were present.

  1. Accountability
  2. Altruism
  3. Compassion/Caring
  4. Excellence
  5. Integrity
  6. Professional Duty
  7. Social Responsibility
Core Values Definition Sample Indicators
Accountability Accountability is active acceptance of the responsibility for the diverse roles, obligations, and actions of Doctors of Hearing, including self-regulation and other behaviors that positively influence patient/patient outcomes, the profession and the health needs of society. 1. Responding to patient’s goals and needs.

2. Seeking and responding to feedback from multiple sources.

3. Acknowledging and accepting consequences of our actions.

4. Assuming responsibility for learning and change.

5. Adhering to code of ethics, standards of practice, and policies/procedures that govern the conduct of professional activities.

6. Communicating accurately to others (payers, patients, other health care providers) about professional actions.

7. Participating in the achievement of health goals of patients and society.

8. Seeking continuous improvement in quality of care.

9. Educating students in a manner that facilitates the pursuit of learning.

Altruism Altruism is the primary regard for our devotion to the interest of patients, thus assuming the fiduciary responsibility of placing the needs of the patient ahead of our interest. 1. Placing patient’s needs above ours.

2. Providing pro-bono services where necessary.

3. Providing Audiology services to underserved and underrepresented populations.

4. Providing patient services that go beyond expected standards of practice.

5. Completing patient care and professional responsibility prior to personal needs

Compassion/Caring Compassion is the desire to identify with or sense something of another’s experience; a precursor of caring.

Caring is the concern, empathy, and consideration for the needs and values of others.

1. Understanding the socio-cultural, psychological and economic influences on the individual’s life in their environment.

2. Understanding an individual’s perspective.

3. Being an advocate for patient’s needs.

4. Communicating effectively, both verbally and non-verbally, with others taking into consideration individual differences in learning styles, language, and cognitive abilities, etc.

5. Designing patient programs/interventions that are congruent with patient needs.

6. Empowering patients to achieve the highest level of function possible and to exercise self-determination in their care.

7. Focusing on achieving the greatest well-being and the highest potential for a patient.

8. Recognizing and refraining from acting on one’s social, cultural, gender, and sexual biases.

9. Embracing the patient’s emotional and psychological aspects of care.

10. Attending to the patient’s personal needs and comforts.

11. Demonstrating respect for others and considers others as unique and of value.

Excellence Excellence is our practice that consistently uses current knowledge and theory while understanding personal limits, integrates judgment and the patient perspective, embraces advancement, challenges mediocrity, and works toward development of new knowledge. 1. Demonstrating investment in the profession of Audiology.

2. Internalizing the importance of using multiple sources of evidence to support professional practice and decisions.

3. Participating in integrative and collaborative practice to promote high quality health and educational outcomes.

4. Conveying intellectual humility in professional and interpersonal situations.

5. Demonstrating high levels of knowledge and skill in all aspects of the profession.

6. Using evidence consistently to support professional decisions.

7. Demonstrating tolerance for ambiguity.

8. Pursuing new evidence to expand knowledge.

9. Engaging in acquisition of new knowledge throughout one’s professional career.

10. Sharing one’s knowledge with others.

11. Contributing to the development and shaping of excellence in all professional roles.

Integrity Integrity is the possession of and steadfast adherence to high ethical principles or professional standards. 1. Abiding by the rules, regulations, and laws applicable to the profession.

2. Adhering to the highest standards of the profession (practice, ethics, reimbursement, Institutional Review Board [IRB], honor code, etc.).

3. Articulating and internalizing stated ideals and professional values.

4. Using power (including avoidance of use of unearned privilege) judiciously.

5. Resolving dilemmas with respect to a consistent set of core values.

6. Being trustworthy.

7. Taking responsibility to be an integral part in the continuing management of patients.

8. Knowing one’s limitations and acting accordingly.

9. Confronting harassment and bias among ourselves and others.

10. Recognizing the limits of one’s expertise and making referrals appropriately.

11. Choosing employment situations that are congruent with practical values and professional ethical standards.

12. Acting on the basis of professional values even when the results of the behavior may place oneself at risk.

Professional Duty Professional duty is our commitment to meeting one’s obligations to provide effective Audiology services to individual patients, to serve the profession, and to positively influence the health of society. 1. Demonstrating beneficence by providing “optimal care.”

2. Facilitating each individual’s achievement of goals for function, health, and wellness.

3. Preserving the safety, security and confidentiality of individuals in all professional contexts.

4. Involved in professional activities beyond the practice setting.

5. Promoting the profession of Audiology.

6. Mentoring others to realize their potential.

7. Taking pride in one’s profession.

Social Responsibility Social responsibility is the promotion of a mutual trust between Doctors of Hearing and the larger public that necessitates responding to societal needs for health and wellness. 1. Advocating for the health and wellness needs of society including access to health care and Audiology services.

2. Promoting cultural competence within the profession and the larger public.

3. Promoting social policy that effect function, health, and wellness needs of patients.

4. Ensuring that existing social policy is in the best interest of the patient.

5. Advocating for changes in laws, regulations, standards, and guidelines that affect Audiologist service provision.

6. Promoting community volunteerism.

7. Participating in political activism.

8. Participating in achievement of societal health goals.

9. Understanding of current community-wide, nationwide and worldwide issues and how they impact society’s health and well-being and the delivery of Audiology.

10. Providing leadership in the community.

11. Participating in collaborative relationships with other health practitioners and the public at large.

12. Ensuring the blending of social justice and economic efficiency of services.

Developing a Long-Term Partnership

Choosing a hearing professional is one of the most important decisions you will ever make and the personal relationships you will develop with the staff will continue long after your initial appointment. We understand that ongoing counseling, periodic adjustments and regular hearing aid cleanings are vital to your continued satisfaction with your investment in better hearing and we are committed to being here to support your every need.